Configurability for Data Processing
It has the potential to reduce the admin burden of resolving data differences by a huge amount and is something larger local authorities have taken advantage of.
Our EDI module makes pupil level data available on a ‘real-time’ and automated basis within our Early Years and Education system (EYES). Our partner company, Community Brands, provide an integration to EYES, commonly known as Groupcall. This integration utilises their XPorter software used in over 97% of English schools, which collects an agreed set of fields and deposits that information into the XVault database held securely on the Local Authority network. The EDI module queries and returns the data for viewing, reporting and further manipulation in EYES. This activity happens daily providing users with an updated record of every pupil being collected without waiting for files to be sent in or reliance on third party call centres to provide updates.
The information being received is monitored from the EDI Dashboard which brings together a list of all school’s data. Within this management overview screen, schools can be switched on or off, filtered (including by worker) and checked for failures on collections.
With EDI and Groupcall, workers can be confident the information they have is based on what they have recorded, as well as from other users and schools. They can see everyone’s version of the record and decide which is accurate by utilising our inbuilt tools for enrolment validation, demographic reconciliation and suspension/exclusion validation and reconciliation. These tools check and validate all data coming through EDI and generate tasks for the user to resolve, ensuring that your data is as clean as it can possibly be without too much manual effort and resource. The EDI dashboard provides a count of tasks and updates every day to show what is happening to pupil data in real time.
The Groupcall functionality provides additional tools enabling users to query the data directly before it even loads into EYES. This is helpful when troubleshooting collection or integration issues.
Exclusions and suspensions, alongside attendance, are collected and can provide an early red flag as to a pupil who may be struggling. All users can benefit from understanding where pupils are and how well they are doing at school. This includes knowing:
Manual batch importing of data can also be performed routinely according to local preferences using data provided by school (and third parties) or school census data.
It has the potential to reduce the admin burden of resolving data differences by a huge amount and is something larger local authorities have taken advantage of.
Collect the pupils you are responsible for from schools outside of your area by utilising the three digit LA code that schools must record in their management information system. We have many checks and measures in place to ensure data security and handle potential issues arising from incorrect LA codes being recorded by schools. Schools are also provided with reports they can run daily to check which pupils were returned to which Local Authority.
A key benefit to having all this timely data from schools means you can use it for your statutory returns such as AP Census and SEN2, as well as understanding where there are available places for mid-year transfer admissions. Statutory duties can be fulfilled quickly such as tracking missing children and ensuring you are aware of pupils with permanent exclusions and no placement by day 6.