Triggers when a student does not attend their first day at a new school.
Management of phased school admissions, in-year transfers, appeals and fair access protocols can be complex and time-consuming. Our Admissions & Appeals module provides a standardised application process, a simplified ‘back office’ suite of tools and a wide range of features to optimise flexibility and cater for all requirements.
Our education Admissions & Appeals package includes:
Customers who use the Children’s Case Management system have automatic confirmation of children in the admissions rounds who have a recorded EHC Plan or CLA status, allowing the admissions service to verify or view related information from within the admissions screen. These customers will also be able to include children with a record in LCS or EHM in their Expected Transfers, where they may not otherwise have known about them when writing to parents inviting them to apply.
Admissions can involve a significant amount of manual processing. Our aim is to help reduce this by including functionality that takes the strain off admissions officers.
Triggers when a student does not attend their first day at a new school.
Checks for duplicate applications when applications are submitted online from the same portal account.
Dashboards to support tracking of expected admissions, applications, place availability and so on.